Sunday, October 14, 2007

Flame Out

Today I went to a work friends house to help her figure out what was wrong with her computer, because clearly I am a computer whiz, not. We met for lunch and then I followed her to her house. As soon as I saw the flags to the entrance of her apartment complex, I knew I had been there before...but I thought, surely she doesn't live in the same complex as one of the last guys I "dated". There are a couple of different complexes you can access via that entrance. Low and behold, we turn the corner and she signals me to park in the only space left on that row which happens to be right next to his truck. Not exactly a person I want to reminisce with over so-called good times. And thankfully I did not have that lovely experience today.

I spent quite a bit of time with work friends this weekend. Friday night I was invited to a bachelorette party by a girl I work with - in honor of someone I don't know. I've been invited to these things before and they are usually pretty sad and pathetic. They are usually for someone new to the city who doesn't know anyone and their finances friends wives / girlfriends end up throwing the party. I thought by the email invite that there were a lot of people invited - like 10 or so...I ended up working late on Friday night and was thinking of bailing but in the end decided to go. Well, it was me, two co-workers and the bachelorette. Four of us! That's it! Had I not shown up it would have been that much more sad and pathetic - well maybe it was more so for my showing up. Anyway, I was only going to stay for dinner, and they convinced me to go to a bar for one drink. So I go, it was still pretty early, so the bars weren't really happening yet. I was practically falling asleep at the table - such a party animal, so I left.

Seriously, if I moved to a city because of my fiance I would not want to have some bachelorette party thrown for me by people I don't know! Then again, if I ever get married - which is highly doubtful, it will be at the JoP or in Vegas by Elvis.


Anonymous said...

Can we agree that we together survived the very worst, most pathetically horrid bachelorette party ever?

genkileslie said...

I still shudder at the memory...