Wednesday, June 13, 2007



Remove the blog from the top, move all blogs up one, add yourself to the bottom.
Absolutely Bananas
Smiling Mom
Playgroups Are No Place For Children
Scenic Overlook
Baby In The Corner

What were you doing 10 years ago?

10 years ago I was getting ready to move to Japan to teach English as a Second Language for what I thought would be only for one year which turned into three. My lease in NYC was up and I moved to the lovely Garden State of New Yersey (yes, I spelled that phonetically) to live on the floor of a basement apartment with my girlfriend DD. I was dating someone, the one that I used to play the "what if" game about for years after leaving.

Five Snacks You Enjoy

1. Popcorn
2. Cheetos
3. Chips and Salsa
4. Ding Dongs
5. Fig Newtons

Five Songs That You Know All The Lyrics To:

1. It Takes Two by Rob Base
2. Open Arms by Journey
3. Welcome to the Jungle by GNR
4. Mama Said Knock You Out by LL Cool J
5. Nothin’ But a G Thing by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg

Five Things You Would Do If You Were a Millionaire:

1. Pay off all debts
2. Quit job
3. Go on holiday
4. Go on holiday
5. Go on holiday

Five bad habits:

1. Potty Mouth
2. Picking at my nails and the nail bed
3. Belching loudly (I could win the Nickelodeon contest)
4. Shopping when I’m bored
5. Road Rage

Five Things You Like To Do:

1. Sleep
2. Read
3. Watch TV
4. Eat bad for me food
5. A whole lot of nothing

Five Things You Would Never Wear Again:

1. A size 2
2. Acid Wash Jeans with Zippers & Bows at the Ankle
3. Neon
4. Shoulder Pads
5. Jellies

Five Favorite Toys:

1. Tivo
2. iPod
3. Laptop
4. The Cats
5. Digital Camera

I'm supposed to tag 5 people, I'll let you tag yourselves. Have fun!

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