Monday, July 16, 2007

The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

I have received the lovely cryptic message I have in the title of this blog on more than one occasion from my fortune cookie. Sidenote - shouldn't all fortunes be good by default? Seriously, do I really need more bad news in my life? Back to Confucious say, I think we all try. I think very few people are truly evil and operate with malicious intentions. Therefore, if we all just have good intentions are we going to hell? What if you are on your way to hell because of an ignorant mistake? Understanding that ignorance is no excuse, but doesn't it go towards intent? If I am ignorant of a law and I break it, is that really as bad as if I was aware of the law? Breaking the law, breaking the law! Not that I have broken the law lately, simply a philosophical question.

So my new car is named Martha. But you have to say it "Mwaaa-tha". I used to work with a woman named Martha. She was (I guess I should say is but I really don't know for sure) the cutest little woman. She could do the best New Yawker accent and would call herself "Mwaa-tha". Perhaps that is why I decided to name my car that. Ab-so-effing-lutely.


Anonymous said...

Sexist? How weird is it that we name our cars female names? We have Rhonda and Lula (short for Talulah) and a male name was never a possibility. Hmmm...

genkileslie said...

When I lived in Japan and taught English, I was trying to explain which nouns were female and which were male...and it my student pointed out to me that all female nouns such as cars, boats, etc., are things we "ride". Quite sexist. :)