Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tennis Anyone?

I am not athletic. Growing up, I took ballet, tap and jazz or gymnastics or cheerleading. Anything under the guise of the activity being fun and as far from hard work as possible. Not to say that any of those activities weren't hard work, but they never felt like hard work and if they did I quit. That's right, I am a quitter. I have only played sports 3 times in my life. 1. 8 years old, soccer. I played goalie and basically picked flowers in the goal box. 2. 10 years old, softball. I played left field because none of the girls our age could hit that far. 3. 15 years old, soccer yet again, only made the varsity team because they could take all the girls who tried out. I tried out for volleyball and didn't make the cut that same year. I hated every blessed minute of soccer. I hate running - have always hated running.

So it came as a complete surprise to those close to me, much less to me as well, that at the age of 35, I have decided to learn how to play tennis. I asked a couple of friends if they wanted to take lessons with me and one said yes. I missed the first class so I was worried I would be behind. I show up on the courts and my teacher is so nice and has such high energy and low and behold, everyone sucks and I fit right in. But, the best part is the lesson was so much FUN! I sweat my ass off for an hour and a half and all I thought about for that time was smacking that damn yellow ball. She makes us do drills, we play games, and I am actually hitting the ball - well, for the most part.

My lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Last Thursday, essentially my third lesson, my instructor tells us about a free tennis clinic being held on Saturday taught by former US Women's professional Tracy Austin. It's a Cardio Tennis clinic. Why is it called a clinic? Anyone? So, my instructor says they need beginners at the clinic. I'm like, do they need beginners or beginner beginners? She said they really wanted people new to the I signed up.

I get there on Saturday, and of course I get there early. I get put in a beginner group and they've asked me (and others) to wear heart monitors. So we played games and ran drills and it was fun. It was tough, and I was dragging ass at the end, but everyone was really kind and made me feel good. Unfortunately, my heart monitor didn't work properly, so I wasn't able to see how many calories I burned, but I swear it had to have been close to 1,000. Tracy moved from court to court occasionally playing with each group - which was pretty cool to be in a pseudo doubles scenario with a tennis pro. Then we got to watch her play with our instructors and do some Q&A. She is TINY! And looks exactly the same as she did when she first won her grand slam at the age of 16.

More than just cardio tennis was learned by me. I learned that sunscreen and a hat or visor is a must and I need to start carrying that in the car as I am now sunburned. I learned that I need to invest in some tennis apparel as yoga pants and a t-shirt are way too fricking hot to wear in the heat of the day on a tennis court running for an hour.

I am officially hooked. I am going to continue my bi-weekly lessons, the courts I go to are outside and supposedly lessons can go through October - weather permitting. Then, I'll have to figure out indoor opportunities. I went out this weekend and bought a racket and two outfits. I can't wait for Tuesday!

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