Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Clickity Clock

Commercial of the week, Zycam, it works. So on Saturday I was feeling puny and whiny (I know not much different from most days) and started taking Zycam for my stuffy head and I swear on my cats furry heads that by Sunday morning I was fine! Isn't that crazy?!

So we had our 6 pack weekend and it was a great success. I have to say I particularly enjoyed the process of watching men in little leather underpants with capes run around and kill people - a la The 300. I frankly think that uniform needs to come back into fashion. Women are doing the whole Grecian goddess thing, I think men need to do the Greek god thing. It's only fair.

I had to go to New Orleans on Tuesday for work. I know I've said it before and I'll continue to say it, but I hate flying. I was booked on a new regional jet airline and was a bit trepidatious (is that a word?) about it. I don't like those little regional jets with the one seat on one side and the two seats on the other. However, what this new airline lacked in planes it made up for in service! Service? On an airplane? I know! How revolutionary! Que Surprise! We got FOOD! Not only did we get FOOD, but we got FREE FOOD! It was a morning flight and the flight attendant came around and offered us "breakfast cereal"! "Would you like some breakfast cereal"? "Why yes I would"! I had the nicest, most pleasant breakfast on that flight. I couldn't wait to come back to find out if I would get the same "breakfast cereal". I did not, but instead was offered a yogurt smoothie and a breakfast cereal bar! Seriously, I can put up with a lot if the flight attendant is nice, solicitous and I'm being fed. I will totally fly this airline again.

New Orleans is still quite sad. Two years post Katrina and things are still coming together. It's quite sad. As usual, I was quite lame and didn't want to traipse around by myself, so I took a long bath and passed out on the bed dreaming of staying in a nice hotel with room service - which I was not in. Quite exciting.

So happy to be home. I love being home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That airline now flies nonstop between you and me, too. The parents flew it once and had a great time. & they are cheap, too!!!!