Tuesday, September 04, 2007


My friend, GJB, who I used to teach with in Japan and I haven't seen in 3 years came to visit for the Labor day holiday. He's British and asked me why do we celebrate Labor day...so why do we celebrate Labor day and does anyone really labor on that day? I try to avoid all labor at all times.

We had a fun visit. It's always good to catch up with him and reminisce about our years in Japan. His memory for people and things is so much better than mine! I think because of moving so much while growing up, I tend to wipe the slate clean and start over in each place.

I'm tired though from his visit. We were busy! Thursday night, dinner with friends. Friday night, minor league baseball game (fun!), Saturday the zoo (lame!), Sunday lunch and hung out with more friends (fun!) and Monday shopping and watched DVDs (fun!). I'm not used to having anyone around for that long. He always jokes that I can stand him for more than 4 days, hell, I can't stand anyone for more than 4 days! Clearly the reason I'm still single. Well, that and the chubby factor. Speaking of which, (tangent warning), so idiot fancy pants degree person actually received funding to do a study to find out that gee...men only look for attractive mates and women don't. Didn't know you needed to do some big study to figure that one out! Ridiculous!

Back to GJB - People tend to find him fascinating as he only works enough to save up money to go on holiday. He's been to practically every country in the world and I'm not joking. He's moving back to his parents home to attend an MBA program in their town to then try to get a job as an ex-pat in either Singapore or Korea, just so he can continue to try to save up money to go on holiday.

Here I sit, day in day out, like a hamster on a wheel...work, school. Work, school. Then, when I graduate it will be worse...just work again. I need to win the lottery.

I started tennis lessons again tonight and got moved up to the "advanced beginners". Tonight was lame. We worked on fundamentals - I just want to play! Fundamentals, schmundamentals - boo! I hope Thursday night will be more fun. I'll probably get demoted to the "beginner beginners"...

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