Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Mawmaw & Pawpaw

I apologize to anyone who actually cares about my blog for being so long between posts. My Pawpaw (grandfather to you Yankees) passed away last week. My poor Mom found him collapsed in his house from a stroke. We were blessed that he went quickly as since this happened, I have heard so many stories from friends whose grandparent had a stroke and they ended up on life support in some nursing home for 10 years or so. Not a way that Pawpaw or frankly anyone I know would want to live out the rest of their life. He was very independent and that is why this was so shocking to everyone. I was there in March to visit and yes he was a bit frailer but still the same old grumpy guy. Still driving (at night even!), full head of hair (silver streaked), and just recently had to get reading glasses at the age of 83! After my Mawmaw (grandmother to you Yankees) passed away, he was at one point dating 3 women at once!!!! Talk about a social life I can only aspire to!

I was very fortunate to have been able to get to know both of them as an adult. When my brother and I were growing up, we were military brats and lived all over the world. We only saw our grandparents every couple of summers for a week or so. After my contract ended in Japan, I moved back to the States and lived with my Mom for about 6 months while I figured out what I wanted to do with my life (still working on it). While with my Mom, I spent a lot of time with Mawmaw and Pawpaw. I cherish that time I had with them and worked hard to maintain a relationship when I moved away. After Mawmaw passed away, we got Pawpaw a computer. And while he mostly just sent out a ton of forwards, we did email pretty regularly. I would call for the important days like his birthday and we always went for at least one meal together when I would go back to visit Mom.

He had some great stories to tell, if you could get him talking and if you could get him to tell a new one. :) But what I loved most about him was the relationship he had with my Mawmaw. 56 years of marriage and they were still very much in love. He couldn't walk past her without touching her in some way: a kiss, a pat. She always acted like she was tolerating his affection, but that was all for show. I envied their relationship and understood how lucky they were to have it. Not only did they have each other for so many years, but they had friends for more. I met a man who went to Kindergarten with my Pawpaw at his memorial service! They had been friends since they were 6 years old! I can't remember where we lived when I was 6 much less what the name of my so-called best friend was at the time.

I feel the most sorry for my Mom. As she says, she is not ready to be an orphan yet. But we all take heart that Mawmaw and Pawpaw are together again, more than likely square dancing and going rodeoing with their best friends. I miss them both very much.

1 comment:

ƒåυνέ said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.