Saturday, August 11, 2007

Africa Hot

I am now moving into my new class, Managerial Finance. I have had a serious motivation problem with school recently. I'm not even halfway through yet so it seems ridiculous that I feel this way. This time next year I will be in the home stretch. Last night we got our books for the next three classes, which puts us through next year. Scary. The MF class ends in October - October! It's Africa hot here, and I can't even think about October, but it will be here before we know it.

I was in Target today as I had to buy this calculator for my MF class and they already have Halloweenie shirts out! I'm sick of how early the retail industry moves us into the seasons. The fact that Christmas stuff shows up at the end of August is ridiculous! You don't even feel as though you can enjoy the season you are in (although how anyone can enjoy this disgusting heat is beyond me).

For the first time I think I have a normal, realistic professor who isn't going to make me do work for the simple sake of doing it. So ridiculous. We don't even have to attend the last class, when we usually take our final, because he's already posted the finals for us and we can just send it in! I really hope I have this guy for a few other classes as these first few have been so much fricking work - none of which I have felt was valuable.

I have a birthday coming up. I'm usually quite excited about my birthdays. I'm one of those annoying people who has the countdown to my birthday and love being annoying about it. This year I'm going to be 36. I don't feel 36. Not that I know what 36 is supposed to feel like. It's bizarre.

My friend GJB that I used to work with in Japan is coming to visit me over the Labor Day weekend. It should be great fun. I haven't seen him in a few years. He's one of those people who only works enough to go on holiday. I swear, I think he's been to every country in the world - he's even been to both the North and the South pole! In my old job I used to travel globally and could meet him in London which was great fun. The only challenge is my city is very difficult to get around if you don't have a car. GJB hates to drive. He's been in numerous accidents, some while driving and some while riding, and plus he's British so it would all be on the other side of the road. Based upon his last visit here, I know he won't take me up on my offer to take my car. I can't take much time off while he is here because I've used up quite a bit of holiday when my Pawpaw passed away. So there are only a few places I can drop him off to hang out for the day with activities to keep him busy while I have to work.

Last time he was here, he was so funny, we were driving downtown on a Sunday morning and he's like where are all the people. I'm like, in the suburbs. He's like where are the buses, I could just take the bus. I'm like, I've seen them occasionally, but I wouldn't even know where to tell you to wait for a bus much less where that bus would take you.

I hope it doesn't continue to be so fricking Africa hot, especially while he is here...maybe I'll drop him at a movie theater...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.