Thursday, August 02, 2007

School should be out for the summer

I'm sick of school. This time next year I'll be in the home stretch of my MBA achievement. Right now, I'm not even seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I don't like my current instructor. I'm so ready to be done with this crap.

Sigh. Allright, enough. So I'm on a break between tennis lesson sessions. I was hoping to get to play/practice, but lately I've been so busy with school and work evening events, I haven't had time to play. I've been looking for a free court that has a wall so I can practice by myself...haven't found one. I was thinking I could go to the elementary school down the street from me and hit tennis balls off the side of the building...but really I can't wait until lessons start again next week.

When I bought Martha, I gave up my satellite radio. I thought Martha was satellite radio ready, however, I was informed it is satellite "ready". I can the sat radio company and they tell me all I need to do is buy a receiver for $20 and then take the car back to the dealership to install it. So I go to one of the big retailers and talk with the sales kid there and he says, yeah, I can sell you the receiver, but you are going to end up with wires all in your car. You need to get it installed proper from the dealer if you want it done right. I go back to the dealer, and they tell me I need a lot more than just the receiver and it's going to cost me about $1,000. So, now I'm hacked. For $1,000 I can buy a GPS that plays MP3s and gets radio! It just seems like it's always one thing after another that you have to buy piece-meal. Like when I was doing my home renovation, you buy the toilet, yet you have to buy the seat separately. Or, if you buy a stove, you have to buy the electrical cord separately. Seriously!!! Ridiculous!

So television isn't very exciting these days. My current reality fav is So You Think You Can Dance. My Boys just started again and it is my DVR cue. Shark Week is on again - for like year 20. I'm sick of Shark Week. I feel like all they do is focus on perpetuating the fear instead of educating people on why we need sharks. Seriously, do I really need to see the worst shark attack in recorded history re-enacted? NO!

I'm getting old. All I seem to listen to in the car, as I don't have satellite radio anymore, is NPR. I watch the news or the History channel, Discovery or Animal Planet. And the Daily Show is my bedtime story.

Recently on NPR, there was a story that the federal government is going to try to pass a law to ensure that all Americans receive 3 weeks of paid holiday. I don't know how they would enforce this, but I am all for it. Holiday! Holiday! Holiday! I don't even get holiday this year thanks to starting with a new company. Sucks.


Anonymous said...

What do you think of My Boys so far? I haven't been all that impressed.

genkileslie said...

I'm not enjoying the show. I don't get the Kenny/Kimmy pregnant segment. AND I hate the way they coped out on PJ & Brandon. Lame.