Sunday, September 23, 2007


So the birthday has come and gone, more with a whimper instead of a bang. I celebrated it all week with work friends and personal friends followed by spending the actual day at the spa. Got my hair did and a facial and let me tell you it is tough work getting beautiful. Then went to dinner by myself at my favorite Thai restaurant. Finally passed out on the sofa. I was exhausted.

I love how now that I am 36 and not in a relationship that everyone I know is clearly thinks I am unhappy and must be in a relationsihp. Due to a new job, school and tennis I don't have time to do much else. That is a pretty full schedule and looking for a man / dating is a full time job. I have taken myself off all the online boards's all the same people I've seen since I moved here 6 years ago! I'm actually pretty happy. Do I miss having someone to go and do fun activities with - especially certain activities? Sure. But frankly I can't handle anyone for an extended period of time. I need my personal space.

I now have to write yet another term paper. Why is the magic number of pages for a term paper between 8 - 10? Why not 6 - 8? Hell, 2 - 4? Seriously, does my teacher really want to read 15 term papers? I've never understood it. I would rather deal with a group presentation than to have to write yet another term paper.

Perhaps I need a personal assistant to write my term paper for me? Although I've heard what everyone has these days is a "glam squad" which I am clearly in need of...essentially a traveling team of spa people. This is clearly beyond the ubiquitous maid, chef and driver. I seriously do not know how I have been doing it alone for so long now.

My Mawmaw (grandmother to you Yankees) used to say you can have nice things or you can have children and pets. I have pets. Specifically cats. I think Schmoopie has this weird gag reflex that when he gets upset with me he pukes everywhere. I swear it's not due to the occasional hair ball. I woke up this morning to find that of all the places he could hurl all over, he chose my sofa. And of course, by the time I see this, I am running late for work and barely have time to try to clean it up. I have a sofa with slipcovers. Which in theory sounds like a good idea however I will never buy another slipcovered sofa again. The slipcovers are not exactly the easiest things to get on and off as well as you cannot throw them in the dryer as they shrink (learned the hard way) I came home tonight to strip the sofa and wash the slipcovers. I'll be lucky if I can get them back on again. And the thing that sucks most of all is the slipcovers cost about 1/2 the cost of the damn sofa if I wanted to replace them! Which I won't be I'm guessing that side of the sofa will be permanently covered with a throw. Lovely.


Anonymous said...

Euw! Just say the splotch is a design motif.

Anonymous said...

That being said, I'm not sitting there. :)