Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tivo is my best friend

My SiL put her list on her blog and dared others to bare all on their Tivo Season Pass, even the embarrassing ones, of which I have many. I have nothing interesting to write about so here goes:

Wheel of Fortune - well, I don't Tivo it, but I watch it every night
Designed to Sell - again no Tivo, but watch it every night
Miami Ink - some incredible talents yet I'm sick of every person having some sob story as to why they are getting an angel tattoo. We get it.
The Deadliest Catch - everyone should watch this for the Bon Jovi theme song. These guys are a bunch of roughnecks, and some new boats/crews have been added this year to make it more interesting.
Midsommer Mysteries - I'm turning into my mother. I now watch this British crime series
Poirot - even more embarrased about this one, with the exception of Poirot being an Agatha Christie character.
Divine Design - I don't like Candice Olson, but I like what she does.
The Girls Next Door - Hef and his 3 girlfriends. Love it.
Any Real World/Road Rules Inferno/Challenge/Duel - I'm a child of the 80s/90s, RW/RRs will never die for me.
Studio 60 - to quote my SiL "I know it was canceled, but I want to finish it out".
CSI - In total agreement with my SiL - "Please let Sarah be dead. PLEASE!"
Bones - Love Angel - he will always be Angel, but he needs to take his shirt off more in Bones.
Project Runway - Fashion was my first love and major in university.
My Boys - It better come back!
Southpark - it truly is bigger, longer and better!
Dancing with the Stars - and last season, I voted for Emmitt every week!
So You Think You Can Dance - these people are weirder and worse than Idol tryouts.
Run's House - the best TV family since the Osbournes
Rob & Big - thanks to my friend, M. This season they've adopted a mini horse - insane!
The Daily Show - I don't Tivo, but try to watch every night

So, it's quite the bizarre list. I watch a lot of TV. I have already established that I have no life and here is the proof.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Trauma Center

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! I'm sure I'm not alone in seriously needing this long weekend, but thank the gods. The boys and I had quite the traumatic Friday and Saturday. Friday, I inadvertently shut the Terrorists right leg in the door on my way to work. The Terrorist and I have had numerous conversations about the fact that the door to the garage is off-limits. He doesn't listen...well, I am looking at the side of the door for him that I am closing so he doesn't sneak out and it turns out he's over by the side of the door with the hinges and decides to put his paw through the hinge opening, so when I go to close it all of the sudden I hear screaming and screeching! I open the door only to realize what has happened and he's clearly hurt, but he won't let me near him to see how badly. Schmoopie comes running over looking at me accusingly and then decides not to let me near him either! I'm bawling, finally get the Terrorist in hand and feel around - not finding anything broken at least to the touch. Call the vet, get an appointment for Saturday as I can't take off work.

So, as I have to take the Terrorist to check on his potentially broken leg, I am behind on taking Schmoopie in for his yearly shots. So, I think, I'll bring them both so I can kill two birds with one stone. With cats, especially mine, I have to play a big game with them just to get them in the carry cases. I have to shut the doors to the bedrooms, because if they manage to get under a bed, I'm screwed. I get them in the carry cases and shove them - facing each other in the back seat. They both proceed to SCREAM at the top of their lungs the entire ride - which is about 20 minutes. THEN, Schmoopie is so traumatized, that he pees in his crate - and is completely soaked. EW. So, I pull over and get the paper towels in the trunk and shove them in the crate - he's so upset. We finally get to the vet and we have to wait; we're early. With cats, you only get a certain window of opportunity to get them in the crate, so I figured better early than late.

We finally see the vet and she checks the Terrorist who's leg is swollen, but seems to be fine otherwise. He's walking and jumping on it - I figure he's pretty indestructible and it will heal. The Schmoopie on the other hand is a bit of a wreck. He's hyperventilating and freaked out and pissed off because he's pee'd in his crate and on himself. So, we get the crate and him cleaned up and he has to get his shots - traumatizing for both the Schmoopie and Mommy. Then, the vet and I are chatting about his teeth - he doesn't have that many...she's looking at him and she says to me that at some point - prior to my ownership - someone must have fractured the Schmoopie's jaw because not only does he not have certain teeth, but his bite is off - as if someone fractured his jaw and it never healed!!!!! I know I haven't gone through how I got the Schmoopie and his departed brother, but it was a very weird situation and they were clearly mistreated, but I had no idea to this extent! So, by this point, I'm practically in tears due to how crazy the last day and the morning had been. First, I almost break the Terrorist's leg, then I find out that someone might have seriously hurt my Schmoopie and that same person clearly never got him the treatment he needed!!! It's amazing that I was ever able to get him out from under the bed!

I've spent the rest of my weekend working on accounting - you know you are jealous. I've decided that I am completely and totally retarded when it comes to accounting. I'm a maroon, a nincompoop. I just don't get it. Today, I went over to my study team members house and "C" and I worked on 4, count them 4 problems for 4 hours!!! Sooooooo frustrating!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

There's No Counting in Accounting...

I'm freaking out...I have just spent a 1/2 of a gorgeous day inside reading my accounting textbook trying to understand what the hell it is saying and then attempted to do a few of the assigned homework problems...well, I'm officially stupid. (I'm sure some of you are saying, it's been official as long as we've known you). I don't get it. I don't understand how reading a textbook is going to explain to me how and where I input numbers on various statements to get them to add up. I'm so confused as accounting feels like learning another language. There are 3 or 4 different names for the same stupid thing.

At least with the crappy MIS class, I could fake it. I could BS my way through technology infrastructure blah blah. You can't fake it with numbers - they are either right or wrong. It's very black and white. This is the reason I take my taxes to a professional. The fact that a debit and credit actually doesn't mean what I have historically thought they meant is difficult to wrap my brain around. I'm really scared. Out of my grad school team, none of us has any background or real world experience with accounting. And I'll admit, maybe I'm making this way too difficult, but I just don't get it. I'm not smart enough to pass this class...I was feeling good after these first two classes. Yes, they were a ton of busy work, but I busted my ass and put in the time and effort and it paid off with "A"s. With Accounting, I'm not sure even if I bust my ass it will pay off. I feel like I did in undergrad when I had to take all of those damn chemistry classes and that no matter how hard I tried, got tutored, I still never got it and barely passed each class. I think I need the Idiots Guide to Accounting...I don't think I can handle a MBA level accounting course...I don't think I can handle a remedial accounting course.

Sigh...on another note: I have to go to Utah for work. Utah - I've never been. I doubt I will get to see much of it. I have to spend a week at one of our client sites to be a "subject matter expert" during a solution upgrade conversion. Yeah...I have no idea what that means either. I think that basically it means I'll be in some hospital in Utah standing beside a nurse who is trying to input some data on a patient and expects me to know what to do if she gets stuck - god help me if it's our surgical or emergency room solutions. Knowing my luck, I'm going to be stuck on the night shift - 7pm - 7am shift and I'll end up in that hospital because I'll be psychotic from lack of sleep!

At least I have a few things to look forward to this summer. One of my friends that I used to work with, SW, invited me to join her for the weekend in L.A. in June. She's going to be out there on business anyways and called to ask if I could come and hang out. It's been ages since I've seen her as she lives in Miami, and I've never been to L.A., so I'm super excited!

Then, Mom and her fluff-dog Coco will be coming in town...more than likely sometime around the least Memorial Day is around the corner and I can have a day off. The weather here has been amazing...hope it holds for that weekend. But, who am I's not as if I'll have any major outdoor plans that require good weather. I'm sure I'll be sleeping, catching up on tivo or studying. Oh well, SFW.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Somebody Call the WAHMbulance!

Wah Wah - yes, I'm going to complain about grad school again! As I've mentioned, I am in a hybrid course of part on ground and part online. So tonight was the final class, on ground, of MIS - a class I have loathed for the last long 8 weeks. We, of course, were the best team. Gave the best presentation out of all the teams. THEN, our "final exam" was to answer 50 multiple choice questions. Our so-called professor gave us a study guide of 150 questions. From that he randomly chose 50 for our final exam. The exam was "open book" but NOT "open notes". So if you did the study guide, good for you - but you can't use it to help you on the test. So he emails everyone this oh...yesterday! So I spent last night going through my textbook highlighting page numbers and writing the answers on those pages. And now I will ask you what I have been asking myself for the last 8 weeks, have I learned anything?! NO! I have learned how to use the fricking Index in my textbook!!! That's about all! Asking me random verbatim questions from the textbook is not teaching me JACK! ARGH!!!! I'm getting an "A" - but I busted my ass in this class and it just feels like I didn't learn a damn thing. I only learned how to "beat the system". WTF.

In other news, still loving my job. I know. It's weird. But it's so cool to actually feel like people want you to work there, want you to work with them and value your ideas and opinions. I get excited to go in to work - not excited about the traffic, but very excited to go to work in mornings. So not only have I drunk the KoolAid, but I'm apparently on some really great drugs. Maybe when I went in to the campus clinic for my health check-up they injected me with something?

Monday, May 14, 2007


For those of you that may care or remember, the guy that I went out with all of 2, count them 2 times way back in January that I told I didn't want to see again in January, CALLED ME AGAIN TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know how I know it was him?! Because I have his phone number listed in my cell phone as "Do Not Answer"!!! THAT'S HOW!

This really creeps me out.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

1 + 1 = 3

As of next week I will be finished with my second grad school course - Management Information Systems or MIS. I like to refer to it as Meaningless Informational Shite. MIS is my first 8 week course. The majority of my courses will be 6 weeks long but a few will be 8 weeks. This course was especially boring, not unlike reading stereo instructions. I practically killed myself the first couple of weeks to get ahead in the syllabus as I knew I would be changing jobs and was unsure of how I was going to be able to manage my time. My professor is a rat bastard - the most dis-engaged professor of all time. In the beginning he made a very snarky comment that if we only did what was on the syllabus we would get a "B". In order to get an "A" in a "master's level" course, we had to go above and beyond. WTF?! So, I bust my ass. Only to find that he could really care less. I am thrilled to be carrying 699 out of 700 points possible at the moment, but I'm starting to wonder if he's even reading my work. THEN! last week he decides that we don't need to complete our online threaded discussions for the last two modules! So for those of us that have actually done the work, we get full credit - AND those who have done half-assed work also get full credit!!! I'm so ticked off.

My next course is Accounting. I'm SO not excited. My brother, R, is the finance guy. He got all the grey cells in that department - not me! I don't even balance my checkbook - although I guess that's a bit irrelevant these days as I bank online and rarely write checks. I didn't do well in my undergrad accounting class and I'm quite nervous about this one.

I think my issue with math in general started in 7th grade. We lived in Japan again at that time and the school on base was grades 7 - 12. I know, weird. Well, I wanted to be with my best friend and all the cool upper class men in "B" lunch period, so I got talked into taking Advanced Algebra. It was a packed class with a professor who could have cared less. I never got the concept that semester and while I had a great time in "B" lunch, I never could tell you what "X" equalled. Math was all downhill from there. Seriously, Geometry? You're going to tell me the lines on my paper never end? Yeah right! I went to Undergrad to study Fashion Merchandising (yes, clearly a degree I'm currently using - very smart decision) and was initially quite happy as I only had one math course...little did I know that I would be stuck for the next 4 years struggling through 5 chemistry classes.

I always think of Forrest Gump, "I may not be a smart man..." I'm not book smart. I can study my ass off and make "C's". My professors in undergrad would get so angry with me as they knew I could do the work, I just couldn't take a test to save my life. So hopefully Accounting will be more than just debits and credits and income statements...but I doubt it. Regardless, I'm determined to pull a 4.0 through grad school. My new company pays 100% (well, up to a capped amount) if you get an "A", then 75% for a "B" and so on. I can do that kind of math.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Living Single

Change - some people really hate it. Whether it's good change or bad change, it can be really challenging to manage it. I just finished my third week as a new "ashowshiate" and still really love it. So, I guess one man's crazy is another man's sane.

I was out having lunch with my new team when the dreaded question always comes up: so what do you do on the weekends? As if my being single means I have some super-fantastically-fabulous life outside of work. Uh...that would be NO. I do the same stupid crap everyone else, read, watch a lot of TV, etc - I just happen to do all of this ALONE. My grad school group member, J, always asks me the weekend question every time I see him. It's as if they are trying to live vicariously through me...which is sad, as I have no life and there is nothing too exciting in my life. I'm sure it's a case of the "grass is always greener" theory. The grass is never greener, it's simply a different shade.

I've decided I'm on a break from dating again. I know, I'm sure in a few months, I'll go back online and try again. I know I'll see the same people out there that I've seen for the last 6 years. But, for now, I'm over it. So there!