Saturday, May 05, 2007

Living Single

Change - some people really hate it. Whether it's good change or bad change, it can be really challenging to manage it. I just finished my third week as a new "ashowshiate" and still really love it. So, I guess one man's crazy is another man's sane.

I was out having lunch with my new team when the dreaded question always comes up: so what do you do on the weekends? As if my being single means I have some super-fantastically-fabulous life outside of work. Uh...that would be NO. I do the same stupid crap everyone else, read, watch a lot of TV, etc - I just happen to do all of this ALONE. My grad school group member, J, always asks me the weekend question every time I see him. It's as if they are trying to live vicariously through me...which is sad, as I have no life and there is nothing too exciting in my life. I'm sure it's a case of the "grass is always greener" theory. The grass is never greener, it's simply a different shade.

I've decided I'm on a break from dating again. I know, I'm sure in a few months, I'll go back online and try again. I know I'll see the same people out there that I've seen for the last 6 years. But, for now, I'm over it. So there!

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