Friday, May 18, 2007

Somebody Call the WAHMbulance!

Wah Wah - yes, I'm going to complain about grad school again! As I've mentioned, I am in a hybrid course of part on ground and part online. So tonight was the final class, on ground, of MIS - a class I have loathed for the last long 8 weeks. We, of course, were the best team. Gave the best presentation out of all the teams. THEN, our "final exam" was to answer 50 multiple choice questions. Our so-called professor gave us a study guide of 150 questions. From that he randomly chose 50 for our final exam. The exam was "open book" but NOT "open notes". So if you did the study guide, good for you - but you can't use it to help you on the test. So he emails everyone this oh...yesterday! So I spent last night going through my textbook highlighting page numbers and writing the answers on those pages. And now I will ask you what I have been asking myself for the last 8 weeks, have I learned anything?! NO! I have learned how to use the fricking Index in my textbook!!! That's about all! Asking me random verbatim questions from the textbook is not teaching me JACK! ARGH!!!! I'm getting an "A" - but I busted my ass in this class and it just feels like I didn't learn a damn thing. I only learned how to "beat the system". WTF.

In other news, still loving my job. I know. It's weird. But it's so cool to actually feel like people want you to work there, want you to work with them and value your ideas and opinions. I get excited to go in to work - not excited about the traffic, but very excited to go to work in mornings. So not only have I drunk the KoolAid, but I'm apparently on some really great drugs. Maybe when I went in to the campus clinic for my health check-up they injected me with something?

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