Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's Raining, It's Snowing...It's Sleeting

As much as many of you have heard me complain about my new job...I have to say that I am eternally grateful that they do allow me to telework at max 4 days a week if I am in town. And my trip to Jax was canceled on Monday - woot woot! So, I have been working from home yesterday and today...but now due to the weather, it's looking like it will be through Friday!

One of the things I have not learned in the nearly 6 years...holy cow, 6 years...of living in KC is how to drive well in ice. We actually get more ice than snow here. Snow isn't as big a deal - just gets on the other hand...leads to accidents.

I thought we were done, but according to the nefarious weather people, we are due to get close to 6 inches dumped on us tomorrow night. I'm so happy I went to the grocery store on Monday night! I'm also so freaking happy I'm not in Jax right now looking at the weather dreading trying to get back in KC and then spending twice if not three times as long on the interstate white knuckling it home.

I went to Singapore 2 years ago in November only to fly back home into a huge snow storm...thank god I had a car service picking me up otherwise I would probably still be on the side of the road!


On another note, it's hard to believe that I spent 3 years in Japan, much less that I have been back basically 6 and a 1/2 years feels like another lifetime. I still keep in touch with a few people there, my old boss, a teacher, my colleague. I actually tried to join the alumni association for the program I was on when I moved to was a waste of time. Now they are writing to say due to lack of engagement by the members we may lose our status as an alumni chapter. They listed all of these activities that apparently they do monthly - NONE of which were communicated to me when I originally joined way back when. It seemed a slapdash organization of losers who had joined the JET programme because they couldn't make it in the states. But seeing as how I have no life and can qualify as a pathetic loser, I am now considering going to the next meeting. Only if it doesn't snow.

All of this reminds me of all the things I did to try to meet people when I first moved here. I have 3 alum orgs I could join...none of which have ever made me feel remotely welcome. I took horseback riding lessons - met some very nice 13 year old girls. I took ballroom dance lessons - that's right! I was ahead of the "Dancing with the Stars" curve and can "cha cha" with the best of them! There I met some very nice 65 year old men - I'm not that desperate yet, well maybe only because none of them struck me as a Sugar Daddy. Just kidding. If you name the type of dating I've done it...high speed dating, dating agency, online dating, begging friends and family to set me's a tough town. But, it's tough all over.

I believe you have certain windows of opportunity and if you miss them you are basically screwed - and not in a fun way. Perhaps I should have listened to The Colonel's Mom and used my university years to get my MRS degree. What the hell was I thinking getting a degree? Granted, one I only used for about 6 months...but still.

Then, I could be 35 and divorced with at least 2 kids. Just a different kind of pathetic loser. No, I think I'll take the role of Crazy Aunt Leslie with 2 cats...maybe I should just join a nunnery, they probably wouldn't have me.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

He's Mr. Heat Miser...he's Mr. Sun

Happy Holidays to you all!

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? We use bags and tissue paper.

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? white or both? I like both, but not at the same time – you must pick a theme. No blue lights please.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? No, why bother.

5. When do you put your decorations up? Sometimes right after Thanksgiving, but not this year. Beckham would destroy them all.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish ? Cannoli – my mom used to make it. I can make it but only with her help. I’ve tried on my own…doesn’t turn out.

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: getting my roller skates

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I figured it out on my own. Mom thought my brother spilled the beans.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Nope, we aren’t allowed to – except for the family DVD that we then watch that night. But these days as no one lives close, I open my prezzies whenever I want to. Wheee!!!!!

10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? I have a little fake tree from Target that already has lights on it. I then just put on my favorite ornaments and try not to overload it so that it will actually stay upright. But with the addition of the new cat – not even going to bother this year.

11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Like it – but only when I don’t have to shovel it or drive in it.

12. Can you ice skate? Yup, own my own skates too.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Trip home for the holidays when I lived in Japan …

14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Spending time with family and friends.

15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? No one makes it anymore since my Great Grandmother passed away…she made this amazing bundt cake that she called a “Sock-it-to-me” cake. All swirly and drizzled with icing…

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Watching movies with the family.

18. Which do you prefer -- Giving or receiving. I like both.

19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? I like the Jewel Christmas favorite song.

20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum ? Yuck, I don’t like anything mint. I used to like the little ones b/c you could shove the whole thing in your mouth…the bigger ones end up sharpened like a weapon.

My favorite Christmas movie is the one with Mr. Heat Miser and Mr. Snow Miser - Mrs. Claus has to save the day by going to see Mother Nature (their mother).

Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Holidays

So today was just crazy getting back in the swing of things from the holiday. I mean did everyone take a stupid/selfish pill? I had to go into the office today which is way the heck north of the river. Coming home was ridiculous because it had rained and was slightly drizzling and for some reason the entire world has to ride their brakes on the interstate. I just don't get it. I then have to mail something and instead of going to the post office - I go to this other store, a Mailbox Etc type store - thinking it will be faster...HA! The owner has left some poor kids in charge while he runs out for 2 hours!!! Only during the busiest time - from 5pm onwards. Feel sorry for the kid, but he also clearly has no ambition/intuition because it cannot be that difficult to take the addresses I have filled out on the form and enter them into the pre-loaded screen...but I guess I ask for too much.

THEN! I am a complete and total MAROON for deciding I would finally go to the grocery store for the first time in eons! I swear this old lady was going to just run me over - there I am with my cart filled with goodies crossing in the cross walk and she is barreling down!

I think I'm agoraphobic...okay maybe I'm not afraid to go out in public, I just don't like people. So much for the Christmas spirit.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Last night I was bored and surfing the internet. Who the heck came up with surfing for the verb of using the internet anyway? But I digress, so I decided to Google old boyfriends. Dumb dumb dumb. Curiosity killed the cat and all one of my ex-boyfriends, I guess the one that I wonder about the most - you know playing the "what if" game, got married last month. Nice photo from their wedding online. I don't have regrets per se, I just stupidly play the "what if" game...what if I never moved to Japan, what if I moved back to NYC when I returned from Japan...blah blah blah. So then comes the cliches...well, it just wasn't meant to be...sigh. I'm not sure I wanted it to "be" with him...but it would be nice if he at least pined away and suffered for a while over me.

Sometimes you get the answer you didn't want.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

THANKS to Daniel Craig

So I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was good. Over the past few years, I've basically boycotted spending Thanksgiving with family and have spent it with my friend Michele, her sister Pam and their nephew Paul. This year was no different. Our usual goal is to eat as much as humanly possible and then veg out and either watch DVDs or go to the movies. We watched Jarhead on DVD - which I highly recommend and now reaffirms my want to read the book. We also went to the theater to see For Your Consideration - the new Christopher Guest movie, which we all HATED. Very disappointing. They all love Waiting for Guffman the best, I like Best in Show - this didn't come close. Frankly the concept has become his schtick and it's boring.

BUT, the best part of Thanksgiving in terms of movies was going to see Casino Royale! Daniel Craig is the best Bond since Connery! He may even be better! Casino Royale is similar to the one that Lazenby did - On Her Majesty's Service - in that it tells the story of how he's started - how he became Double "O" and he has a very serious love interest. Not to mention, the most important factor in the movie is the countless times that Daniel Craig is shirtless!!!! HELLO! The man is 38 years old and looks like that?! Amazing! The guy behind me in the theater is having an orgasm over the Aston Martin's he was driving, me, over every time he steps out of the ocean in those really tight Aussie style short trunks. Sigh...can't wait for the DVD.

I have been officially accepted in to the MBA program at Baker University. I'm pretty excited and freaked out at the same time. But truthfully, just can't wait to get started. My first class starts on Jan 26. Wish me luck.

The rest of my life has been virtually the same. Date guy never called again - not that I was holding my breathe. But, have been talking with a new guy online only to find out today that he "winked" at my friend who is also doing online dating - too funny.

Speaking of my friend, we went to dinner tonight together and there was this very bizarre couple across from us, who according to the waitress, come in once a week every week to basically read their mail and catalogs. I was like, HUH?! So, there they are...not speaking to each other reviewing their mail and STACKS of catalogs! So we played the game of trying to figure out which catalog they were looking at, Coldwater Creek and Red Envelope were two in their stack.

Yesterday I was laying on the sofa - I know, as usual - and I see this guy stop his car in front of my house. He gets out and speaks with my neighbor across the street, who I affectionately call the Criminal because I'm judgemental like that. The next thing I know, unknown man is walking towards my house. I think he's going to come to the front door - NO! He goes over towards the garage, so I leap off the sofa (okay, so maybe I just got up) and ran to the back room and there is he - IN MY FREAKING BACK YARD!!! So, I go out the front door and catch him then peaking into my old neighbors house - my old neighbor who is currently in assisted living b/c he fell 2 Halloweens ago as well as b/c he's a "hoader" and people reported him so social services deemed he is unable to take care of himself. Anyway, Unknown Man, is peaking in his front door, so I walk out and say, can I help you? He makes some crack about being a "daytime burgerlar", and I'm like, that is so not funny when I find you peaking in my neighbors front door after coming out of my own freaking back yard!!! He then claims to have owned my house before. WHATEVER! If you are that curious, come to the freaking front door! I can't even fathom just walking into someone's back yard - especially when they have a PRIVACY FENCE up for a reason!!!!! The nerve! What if he was casing the joint?! Thank God I have an alarm system. It totally freaked me out.
Go see Casino Royale.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Emmitt Time!

I'm so excited that Emmitt Smith won Dancing with the Stars!!!! I am now such a believer in the power of voting! First the mid-term elections and now this! I was actually a little nervous...but seriously, can you compare football fans to the freaks that might have actually like "Saved by the Bell"?! Mario always had this look on his face - no matter how humble he was pretending to be - like, I know I'm going to win. He was a ringer! He already had dance training! AND! I didn't think that Mario or Karina were very gracious losers! Their relationship - that they have tried to be coy about - is so freaking doomed!

So I'm in Jacksonville this week, got to meet my niece Ms. Sofia! She's a cute thing - but she doesn't really like me very much yet. I tried to explain to her that we were going to have so much fun together, chatting about shoes, barbies, hair and boys...but she was only interested in her Mommy feeding her - and really, who can blame her? Can't wait until she gets older.

So Jacksonville has this new radio station - according to my colleague - 100.7. They only play "feel good" music. So, they really have no limits to what they play and it's all sort of old school mixed with today. So this morning on my drive into the office, I got to listen to Rob Base - AND they played Prince, Erotic City! NO ONE plays that! Too funny.

I'm eager for the week to be over and to have Thanksgiving. I've been spending the last few Thanksgivings with my friend Michele, her sister and their nephew. Every year we've been playing a total SMACKDOWN game of Trivial Pursuit! I'm excited to pursue my Queen of the Pink Category crown yet again!

Looking forward to my triptophan nap too.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Vote or Die

So how exciting is the new Congress?! Can I get a "woot woot"?! I mean seriously?! And who the heck would have thought that stem cell research would have passed in the great state of Missouri?! Unbelievable! I actually feel like democracy worked! I'm also quite pleased by the number of women in office...hello Madam Speaker!

And in the midst of all the hoopla around the elections, my girl Britney finally decided to come to her senses about her worthless white trash husband and officially filed for D I V O R C E! I absolutely LOVE that all the blogs are now calling him FED-EX! What a walking disease that man is! I mean seriously, has he never heard of a condom?! Is he working on creating a baseball team? Because one more and he's got a basketball team! But I was sad to hear about Reece and Ryan...because clearly I know these people and their business is mine.

Oh! AND, can anyone tell me who the heck voted that the number one song on the Top 100 songs of the 80s according to VH1 is "Living on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi?! Speaking of voting, if Emmitt Smith does not win Dancing with the Stars it will not be from my lack of voting! I hate that Mario! He's so smarmy with those icky dimples! Who cheats on Ali Landry?! I mean HONESTLY!

I've officially gotten the word from my boss that I am able to attend graduate school...deep breath...i still can't believe this is something I am going to undertake. But maybe it will get me out of this rut/funk I've been in. I can obsess over something new - I'm sure you are all quite excited.

My date turned into the one hit wonder I thought it would. I am still the Queen of First Dates. Oh well. But I am disappointed in the fact that he just didn't come right out and say, hey, not interested. Guess we are all cowards at heart. Oh, and I'm sure his only memory of me is of my falling in front of him. Because that is really all I can remember of that night now! How pathetic am I? The heel of my shoe got caught in my trouser cuff...SPLAT! I'm sure he was thinking, is this girl epileptic?

Speaking of updates: my cursing resolution is not really in effect. I do have to say in my defense - well, there really is no defense. I am a chronic potty mouth. But, I have gotten better. I still contend that "freaking" just doesn't have as much oomph as it's much more powerful version, but there you go.

I'm trying...and frankly, f*** em if they can't take a joke.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

In a Blue State

I am so freaking excited about the elections last night! I went out and did my civic duty and watched on pins and needles (read like Heidi Klum) last night! I couldn't stay awake and when I went to sleep the Democrats were 4 seats away - and now they are 2!!!!!!!!!! It's going to be an ugly recount that could go the way of Bush/Gore, but I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

I recognize the world won't necessarily change, but I'm so tired of this "above reproach" government we have...maybe now he will start to pay attention to popularity polls and actually get down to creating policies that the people want!

Woot Woot!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

People Suck

I am so tired of people who clearly don't want to do something, when it is their job, telling me that they don't know how to do it! The casually asked question, well how was this done last year...well, guess what?! Wasn't here last year, don't know! That's why I'm asking you!

There are times in business when telling the truth is not the best policy...such as hey, missed my flight because I overslept - I'd rather hear, the plane broke and they couldn't get me on another flight. But, in this case, tell me you know what, I don't have the time, can you find someone else? Or help me find someone else?

So did anyone watch the CMA's last night? I'm actually a pretty big country fan. I can two step with the best of them! I had no idea that Michelle Branch - of her own pop music fame as well as duet with Santana - is now in a country duet group called The Wreckers! They are really good. Also, there is a group called Little Big Town that looks like a country version of Abba, but sounds like Fleetwood Mac.

So that is my rant and my plug for the day. :)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Junior High Sucked the First Time...

Okay - so I went to see what this whole grad school thing is seems like a great program, but DAMN is it expensive! Although, I qualify for tuition reimbursement it is not this is pretty big. At least the session doesn't start until Jan 26, 2007 - so I've got some time.

So, I think I wrote previously about a "friend" of mine who basically fell off the face of the earth right around my birthday. It's really bothered me...I couldn't figure out what happened between us that almost 6 years of friendship would be ended. I felt like I had been dumped. So, I tried again...and basically was told that my messages were never received, apparently her cell phone was on the fritz, and that she assumed I was mad at her so she didn't "want to bother me". Sigh.

I really wanted to sit down and chat with her about the situation and then, the usual flakiness of her life comes into play...we are supposed to have lunch today and of course it's me texting her at 1:00pm saying, "what's up"? And her writing me yet another sob story of wrecking her car and blah blah blah. But clearly nothing is her fault anyway...I mean, the world is out to get her. Just disappointing.

Speaking of disappointing, had a date on Wednesday. Pause...I'm waiting for you all to get back in your chairs after falling out of them. As far as first dates went, it was fun. He's definite fling potential - not relationship potential, which is fine by me. BUT, here's my mixed signal...he calls me on Thursday, which was surprising based upon the usual "man rules". We have a nice plans were made. So, I call on Saturday, only to be completely blown off.

So the ball is in his court...and I'm not holding my breathe.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

3 Tardies & You're Out!

So, my latest idea in my continual pursuit to figure out who I want to be when I grow up is...drum roll please...I'm thinking of going to graduate school. I'll pause now while everyone gasps! I KNOW! I can scarcely believe I'm saying it - in fact I actually shudder while saying it. I hate school. It's not that I hate learning, I am just not a fan of anything that is organized or structured. Probably why my life is in a shambles! my previous job search this summer when I was laid off, all I kept hearing from HR managers/recruiters, is "we love you, but we don't know where to put you" or "wow, your background is very eclectic". So, in my attempts to become more marketable...I am going to a prospective MBA students seminar this Saturday. I'm gonna get edumacated!