Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's Raining, It's Snowing...It's Sleeting

As much as many of you have heard me complain about my new job...I have to say that I am eternally grateful that they do allow me to telework at max 4 days a week if I am in town. And my trip to Jax was canceled on Monday - woot woot! So, I have been working from home yesterday and today...but now due to the weather, it's looking like it will be through Friday!

One of the things I have not learned in the nearly 6 years...holy cow, 6 years...of living in KC is how to drive well in ice. We actually get more ice than snow here. Snow isn't as big a deal - just gets on the other hand...leads to accidents.

I thought we were done, but according to the nefarious weather people, we are due to get close to 6 inches dumped on us tomorrow night. I'm so happy I went to the grocery store on Monday night! I'm also so freaking happy I'm not in Jax right now looking at the weather dreading trying to get back in KC and then spending twice if not three times as long on the interstate white knuckling it home.

I went to Singapore 2 years ago in November only to fly back home into a huge snow storm...thank god I had a car service picking me up otherwise I would probably still be on the side of the road!


On another note, it's hard to believe that I spent 3 years in Japan, much less that I have been back basically 6 and a 1/2 years feels like another lifetime. I still keep in touch with a few people there, my old boss, a teacher, my colleague. I actually tried to join the alumni association for the program I was on when I moved to was a waste of time. Now they are writing to say due to lack of engagement by the members we may lose our status as an alumni chapter. They listed all of these activities that apparently they do monthly - NONE of which were communicated to me when I originally joined way back when. It seemed a slapdash organization of losers who had joined the JET programme because they couldn't make it in the states. But seeing as how I have no life and can qualify as a pathetic loser, I am now considering going to the next meeting. Only if it doesn't snow.

All of this reminds me of all the things I did to try to meet people when I first moved here. I have 3 alum orgs I could join...none of which have ever made me feel remotely welcome. I took horseback riding lessons - met some very nice 13 year old girls. I took ballroom dance lessons - that's right! I was ahead of the "Dancing with the Stars" curve and can "cha cha" with the best of them! There I met some very nice 65 year old men - I'm not that desperate yet, well maybe only because none of them struck me as a Sugar Daddy. Just kidding. If you name the type of dating I've done it...high speed dating, dating agency, online dating, begging friends and family to set me's a tough town. But, it's tough all over.

I believe you have certain windows of opportunity and if you miss them you are basically screwed - and not in a fun way. Perhaps I should have listened to The Colonel's Mom and used my university years to get my MRS degree. What the hell was I thinking getting a degree? Granted, one I only used for about 6 months...but still.

Then, I could be 35 and divorced with at least 2 kids. Just a different kind of pathetic loser. No, I think I'll take the role of Crazy Aunt Leslie with 2 cats...maybe I should just join a nunnery, they probably wouldn't have me.

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