Saturday, November 11, 2006

Vote or Die

So how exciting is the new Congress?! Can I get a "woot woot"?! I mean seriously?! And who the heck would have thought that stem cell research would have passed in the great state of Missouri?! Unbelievable! I actually feel like democracy worked! I'm also quite pleased by the number of women in office...hello Madam Speaker!

And in the midst of all the hoopla around the elections, my girl Britney finally decided to come to her senses about her worthless white trash husband and officially filed for D I V O R C E! I absolutely LOVE that all the blogs are now calling him FED-EX! What a walking disease that man is! I mean seriously, has he never heard of a condom?! Is he working on creating a baseball team? Because one more and he's got a basketball team! But I was sad to hear about Reece and Ryan...because clearly I know these people and their business is mine.

Oh! AND, can anyone tell me who the heck voted that the number one song on the Top 100 songs of the 80s according to VH1 is "Living on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi?! Speaking of voting, if Emmitt Smith does not win Dancing with the Stars it will not be from my lack of voting! I hate that Mario! He's so smarmy with those icky dimples! Who cheats on Ali Landry?! I mean HONESTLY!

I've officially gotten the word from my boss that I am able to attend graduate school...deep breath...i still can't believe this is something I am going to undertake. But maybe it will get me out of this rut/funk I've been in. I can obsess over something new - I'm sure you are all quite excited.

My date turned into the one hit wonder I thought it would. I am still the Queen of First Dates. Oh well. But I am disappointed in the fact that he just didn't come right out and say, hey, not interested. Guess we are all cowards at heart. Oh, and I'm sure his only memory of me is of my falling in front of him. Because that is really all I can remember of that night now! How pathetic am I? The heel of my shoe got caught in my trouser cuff...SPLAT! I'm sure he was thinking, is this girl epileptic?

Speaking of updates: my cursing resolution is not really in effect. I do have to say in my defense - well, there really is no defense. I am a chronic potty mouth. But, I have gotten better. I still contend that "freaking" just doesn't have as much oomph as it's much more powerful version, but there you go.

I'm trying...and frankly, f*** em if they can't take a joke.

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