So I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was good. Over the past few years, I've basically boycotted spending Thanksgiving with family and have spent it with my friend Michele, her sister Pam and their nephew Paul. This year was no different. Our usual goal is to eat as much as humanly possible and then veg out and either watch DVDs or go to the movies. We watched Jarhead on DVD - which I highly recommend and now reaffirms my want to read the book. We also went to the theater to see For Your Consideration - the new Christopher Guest movie, which we all HATED. Very disappointing. They all love Waiting for Guffman the best, I like Best in Show - this didn't come close. Frankly the concept has become his schtick and it's boring.
BUT, the best part of Thanksgiving in terms of movies was going to see Casino Royale! Daniel Craig is the best Bond since Connery! He may even be better! Casino Royale is similar to the one that Lazenby did - On Her Majesty's Service - in that it tells the story of how he's started - how he became Double "O" and he has a very serious love interest. Not to mention, the most important factor in the movie is the countless times that Daniel Craig is shirtless!!!! HELLO! The man is 38 years old and looks like that?! Amazing! The guy behind me in the theater is having an orgasm over the Aston Martin's he was driving, me, over every time he steps out of the ocean in those really tight Aussie style short trunks. Sigh...can't wait for the DVD.
I have been officially accepted in to the MBA program at Baker University. I'm pretty excited and freaked out at the same time. But truthfully, just can't wait to get started. My first class starts on Jan 26. Wish me luck.
The rest of my life has been virtually the same. Date guy never called again - not that I was holding my breathe. But, have been talking with a new guy online only to find out today that he "winked" at my friend who is also doing online dating - too funny.
Speaking of my friend, we went to dinner tonight together and there was this very bizarre couple across from us, who according to the waitress, come in once a week every week to basically read their mail and catalogs. I was like, HUH?! So, there they are...not speaking to each other reviewing their mail and STACKS of catalogs! So we played the game of trying to figure out which catalog they were looking at, Coldwater Creek and Red Envelope were two in their stack.
Yesterday I was laying on the sofa - I know, as usual - and I see this guy stop his car in front of my house. He gets out and speaks with my neighbor across the street, who I affectionately call the Criminal because I'm judgemental like that. The next thing I know, unknown man is walking towards my house. I think he's going to come to the front door - NO! He goes over towards the garage, so I leap off the sofa (okay, so maybe I just got up) and ran to the back room and there is he - IN MY FREAKING BACK YARD!!! So, I go out the front door and catch him then peaking into my old neighbors house - my old neighbor who is currently in assisted living b/c he fell 2 Halloweens ago as well as b/c he's a "hoader" and people reported him so social services deemed he is unable to take care of himself. Anyway, Unknown Man, is peaking in his front door, so I walk out and say, can I help you? He makes some crack about being a "daytime burgerlar", and I'm like, that is so not funny when I find you peaking in my neighbors front door after coming out of my own freaking back yard!!! He then claims to have owned my house before. WHATEVER! If you are that curious, come to the freaking front door! I can't even fathom just walking into someone's back yard - especially when they have a PRIVACY FENCE up for a reason!!!!! The nerve! What if he was casing the joint?! Thank God I have an alarm system. It totally freaked me out.
Go see Casino Royale.
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