Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Many people name their children after characteristics they want them to epitomize. A guy I worked with named his daughter Grace. My niece's middle name is Grace. I have always wished I was more graceful. I'm a klutz. I fall a lot. So often it was a joke at my old company. I fell down the stairs once in front of my CFO and my friend MM was like, "oh, she does that all the time, no big deal". Which is true.

However, tonight, I fell big time. I have one flipping stair in my house - ONE. I managed to take that step this evening and sprained my ankle the worst I've done in quite some time. For the first few minutes there I thought it was broken. Then I felt like an idiot. A bawling, greatly pained idiot.

I contemplated whether or not to call someone to go to the emergency room, but decided against it. Not that there is a good time for an injury to happen, but this week is particularly bad. I have to participate in Trunk or Treat at work tomorrow night and help build our theme out for the kids. I just realized I signed up to volunteer for my company's huge fundraiser on Saturday night and I fly out to London on Sunday for close to two weeks.

I'm a big honking loser.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only you. I'm sorry - hope it feels better today.