Saturday, March 07, 2009

Beached Whale

My gym has had more drama lately. It is owned by M & T. But M & T are now going through a divorce and T left her no notice as well as left us in the bootcamp no notice. Previously when I have watched shows like the Biggest Loser and they do things like switch trainers on them, I was like, oh get over it. But now I completely understand. I have been filled with anxiety over the "new guy" we were going to get.

New trainer is N. N is very nice. We started with N last week Tuesday and while I know I have been working out for the last 5 weeks, after our first workout with N, you certainly couldn't tell. Thursday nights workout was so hard I honestly thought I was going to throw up in the middle of it.

It was all I could do to struggle through. I felt very depressed about it. I'll continue to perservere, but man...

I got my taxes done yesterday. 3 states and a home sale...sheesh. It took over 2 hours to complete and I "had people". I went to the big block to get them done. But I really don't trust the guy who did just seemed like he didn't understand some stuff. So we'll see. Luckily I don't owe anyone money. I didn't care about getting anything back, just didn't want to owe any money.

My brother and his family are off to Walt Disney World this week. All of them are sick as I hope the sunshine and Mickey make them feel better.

I'm super excited because I get to visit them in a couple of weeks! Woot woot!

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