Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Our lips are sealed

So I was thinking of a Seinfeld episode this morning on my drive to the aiport for the bajillionth time...the one where George & Jerry talk about whatever happened to flying cars? I wanna know whatever happened to cars with auto-pilot?! Planes have it - why not cars? Surely someone is working on this with the advent of GPS now...I mean think of the accidents that could be avoided. Last night I got in from the dreaded airport pretty late and then had to drive a 1/2 hour home...exhausted. Now they say that sleep depravation driving is worse than drunk driving. Don't you want to know who "they" are and why do "they" know everything and talk to so much?

So I was reading the article on life in the technology age. It was a two person perspective article: one who could only communicate via technology and the other who could only communicate the old fashioned way - letter writing, telephoning, and, (gasp) face-to-face! It was really interesting. The one who could only communicate via IM, email, etc., was overloaded pretty quickly. Apparently, studies are showing that they faster technology gets, the lower our tolerance for waiting for anything gets. We want instant gratification for everything. It is also changing our vocabulary and the way we write - all the constant abbreviations! The one who had to communicate the old fashioned way found out she doesn't really have the close relationships she thought she had. So many of us fire off an email to an old friend and then we just get to check the box that we enquired on the health of our friends mother - but we really don't care how that person's mother is, we just want the credit for asking.


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