Sunday, December 03, 2006


So I am in the midst of writing my Christmas cards. Well, it's not as if I write very much. I'm not one of those people who does the newsletters either. You know the ones, that are written in 3rd person and they always manage to sound like they are just trying to keep up with the Joneses. Johnny just got into Harvard and Susie is getting married to a doctor!

I can't stand it when people speak in 3rd person. Like professional athletes. You know, when Shaq gets the ball, Shaq is gonna take it down the court and you know Shaq is gonna make it be what its gon be baby. It's weird.

The online dating sites are rampant with bad grammar (not that I am some wizard at it), misspellings of "eazy" words as well as writing in 3rd person. Leslie is a recruiter for a large corporation. She likes pina colada's and long walks on the beach. Which then leads you to believe she is incredibly easy and has a long term goal of being in Playboy.

Speaking of online dating. One of the steps in online dating is to Instant Message each other. I like to IM. I really miss being able to IM with my friends at my old job. Especially while on boring conference calls. But the problem with IM, if you don't already know the person is that tone, inflection and expression are at times completely lost or misunderstood. Also, I don't think I'm very hip on some of the abbreviations either. I get the easy ones: LOL - laugh out loud, BRB - be right back...but some of them, especially those that involve symbols, I'm lost. Like I get: TLK2UL8R - talk to you later. But this one? S^ - to mean S'up, or what's up. HELLO?! Have we really gotten to the point that we can't take the time to type out "what's up"?!!!



Anonymous said...

Am I supposed to know what FMTYEWTK is??

genkileslie said...

Far More Than You Ever Wanted To Know. See!!!! Isn't that CRAZY?!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally crazy! I was making stuff up to fit the letters and I was not even close. Not surprisingly, most of mine were dirty.