Monday, June 11, 2007

Rehab - I said Yes Yes Yes

I am still completely shattered from my experience last tired. I'd been trying to keep up with my real job while I was away last week and I wasn't so successful. So I went in early this morning - got there at 7am to try to catch the time I took a breath it was already noon! Barely had time to snarf down some lunch before I was off and running again.

I am thankful that my boss said I can take some comp time for last week, so I'm going in late tomorrow. I'm going to divvy it up over the week...I have too much going on to take a full day.

I'm so sick of thinking about doctors and hospitals and today I get a letter from my GP saying she's no longer going to be seeing patients. That she's moving in a different idea what that means except I'm ticked! It's took me FOREVER to find her and now she's leaving me?!!! Two very important people in my life that took me such a long time to find were my hair stylist and my doctor! Now I have to start all over again with a new doc. Pain in the ass.

My former work husband, J, sees a doc he calls Dr. Feelgood who will write a scrip for just about anything...maybe finding a new doc won't be such a bad thing. Vicodin here I come! Woot Woot! Rehab is the "in" thing you know. Well, that and prison...but I can only follow the trends so far...


Anonymous said...

Dr L is not seeing patients anymore? WTF??? We just got a letter from our GP last week telling us he's leaving practice and going into academia in North Carolina. I really liked him, too, the bastard.

Kara said...

man, stay away from the vicadine! So many people i know pop them...I'm amazed. and still wondering who they hell they're seeing so i can get my j.k.