Saturday, July 19, 2008

Life Moves Pretty Fast

The Waffler and now fiancee came back with an offer that I have decided to accept on my house. I'm not losing my entire shirt, just half of it. It doesn't help that my professor, who lives 30 some odd blocks from me, sold her house in 11 days. I know it's apples to oranges, but it still ticks me off. At this point, I just want to get this all over with and get on with my life. The other thing is the Waffler wants to close by the END OF THE MONTH!! Because he dicked around haggling with me on price, we lost time and now it's going to be a miracle if I can pull this off. Not only did I just start a new job, but I'm traveling for half the month of August, two of those weeks in the UK.

So I think if I can get everything moved out I'll board the cats, put my stuff in storage and actually "move" the end of August to the new city. The timing sucks too because my car tag expires at the end of this month. So I have to renew it and fight with my current state to get the money back or drive on expired tags in new state and pay penalties. Either way, I'm screwed.

It sucks being an adult most of the time. Yesterday I got back from a week of orientation and training. New company uses Lotus Notes for email...seriously?!! I've been using Outlook for like 10 years, I have no idea how to use Lotus Notes and apparently new company is never changing, so new employee, me, better get on board. I've just ordered Lotus Notes for Dummies.

The other quirk of new company is interesting. There is no "web mail" option. For example, I go on holiday and don't want to schlep company laptop with me but want to check-in from hotel computer - NOT AN OPTION! Huh?! Also, no one except execs get smart-phones, okay fine. But if I had my own smart-phone, new company won't allow me to synch it with its laptop!!! Again - HUH?!!! So I can't check email while away and I can't access my calendar while away. I don't get it.

Yesterday I get home and have to clean the house, put all things away, fax documents to various people, sign more documents about home sale, had a home showing - hoping for a back up as I'm worried Waffler will fall through. I had been up since 3AM...can you say exhausted? Today, I'm trying to catch up on school and have to mow the lawn...yet again. I'm so tired of mowing the lawn, especially when it's 90+ outside. I have another showing tomorrow so if I don't do it today, I have to do it tomorrow. Boo.

I have some stuff I want to sell I have to get it up on eBay. Wish me luck!

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