Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Perpetrated by the man

Okay - seriously, Marie Osmond in the finals for Dancing with the Stars? And what a crap finale it was in general! Her doll routine creeped me out! Goes to show you how the fans can totally change the outcome of any show.

My econ course is kicking my ass. I've bombed 3 out of the first 4 quizzes. But apparently I'm not alone - the rest of my classmates are averaging about the same. My professors advice, you ask? Yes, read the text 3, count 'em - 3, times AND complete the study guide and then you might be ready to take the quiz!!! I am not a full-time student! I have a full-time fricking job! Who the hell has time to read a textbook 3 times?!! THEN do a full-on study guide to take a quiz that's questions aren't remotely similar to the study guide!!! ARE YOU HIGH?! SERIOUSLY?!

Now I'm having connectivity issues and my entire coursework is done ONLINE. I can't have connectivity issues. And they have nothing to do with accessing the internet - I can't access the damn school's webpages. Annoying and it's totally freaking me out if the help desk can't fix it!

So I haven't really gotten into any of the new shows and since the writers are on strike I guess it really doesn't matter now anyway. One shows concept that I really like is Samantha Who. I haven't watched it, but I love the starting over, clean slate concept. That is the only thing I miss about moving almost every year of my life growing up. I could always start over. Although at the rate that I keep changing companies, I suppose it's the same thing.

The only show I'm super excited about is the new tattoo show, London Ink. I keep contemplating getting a third and fourth tattoo...I'm just such a wuss about the pain. It always amazes me, watching the shows and people just lay there and have normal conversations while getting stabbed over and over and over again like it's no big deal. Besides, half of the places I'd like to get one are not possible as I work for the man! It's a conspiracy, C.O.N...spiracy! (Super bonus points if you can remember where that came from!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marie Doll was enough to give me nightmares. I guess her being in the finals proves the power of all those Osmonds. At least Mel B didn't win, I didn't like her. & Celine Dion on the finale? Puh-lease.