Sunday, May 18, 2008

DVR is now dead

My DVR has died. The funeral is on Monday when the repairman comes to bring me a new one. I'm devastated. I was stacking up all the episodes of CSI to have a marathon this weekend. Anything I try to DVR shows up in pixalated format. At first I thought it was just that day/time period, but no, it's dying. I suppose it's past time. The menu doesn't really work. Sure I can see what is on, but I can't see anything more than that. Plus the remote-y has been dropped so many times that it now makes noise when you pick it up. I should have replaced it long ago.

I feel like I've gone back to the dark ages. I may as well just watch network tv. Seriously, I don't recall a time I didn't watch tv in DVR. What do you mean I can't fast forward? I'm so bored. It's a beautiful day. I should be outside, doing what I don't know. I mowed the lawn last night and had my first serious asthma attack. It sucked - literally. I couldn't catch my breathe, had to use my inhaler like 4 times. I have no idea what triggered it. It's not the first time I've mowed the lawn, but it was the first time I had to stop over and over again.

Picture me, sucking wind.

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