Monday, May 05, 2008

Close House

I had my first open house on Sunday. I'm not a believer in open houses when selling. When I was looking to buy a home, I never went to open houses. I didn't want to look at homes with other people fighting to get into rooms, etc. So low and behold not a single damn person showed up at my open house. I killed myself to get everything ready for the showing - mowing the lawn, etc, only to have no one show. Not even a flipping nosy neighbor?!! When I drove home one of my neighbors had taken a flyer and then she and a few other neighbors stood outside pointing at my house gossiping. Lovely.

THEN! To top it all off! My realtor set her purse down on my baker's rack and a bottle of wine fell off due to her setting her purse down and the bottle broke a clay pot of mine! This pot is called a nabe pot and I shelped that thing back from Japan. A friend of mine in Japan gave it to me for my birthday and I use it ALL THE TIME!!! I'm so upset. Seriously! What the hell! Keep your damn purse in your car! What do you need at an open house, your flipping cell phone and your keys, that's it! She writes me a note and says she'll replace it...I don't even know if I can replace it! Is she goign to fly one over from Japan?!

So I'm totally stressed out and freaked out. The companies that I speak with love me, but then they tell me they can no longer hire externally. The economy sucks. Now I won't be able to sell my house. All I want to do is lay in bed all day long and I can't do that on the off chance someone wants to see my house. WHATEVER. I'm so depressed.

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