Thursday, May 15, 2008

Slow Down

Things have really slowed down for me with the job search. I'm in the waiting game. I hate waiting. I feel like it's all hurry-up and wait. I'm so ready (finally) just to move on. I have been trying to psych myself up about moving by looking at houses in potential new locations on I love to look at the photos and try to figure out what I would do with the various homes. My plan (when/if I ever sell my current home) would be to do something similar, buy a starter home and do some renovations to turn it into what I want. I would love to build, but who can afford it? I can't.

I'm really hoping things pick up for me in the near future as one of the largest employers in my city is about to do another round of layoffs, which means more competition for jobs as well as more homes going on the market. Meanwhile I keep hoping I'll win the lotto.

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