Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Win free stuff!

That's right! I'm pimping the following blog: Chop. Stir. Mix.

Go here and win free stuff!


On another note, I'm very excited to say that I was just hired on the SPOT for a retail job at the mall! I wasn't even planning to speak with the manager. I look like complete ass: no makeup, casual clothes, hair up in a clip...I was just going to drop off the application. The manager came up, we chatted and she said, "when can you start?". If only every other job I've applied for these days ended the same way!

So I have some interviews this week and I'm starting a job on Friday! I have something to do! Somewhere to go! Some worth! Some value! AND - A DISCOUNT!!!! :)

1 comment:

AndreAnna said...

Wooot! Free stuff! Thanks so much for your comment and link!